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Important Contacts

Central Ohio Better Business Bureau

1169 Dublin Rd.
Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 486-6336

Organization that seeks to develop an ethical marketplace where buyers and sellers can trust each other by creating a community of trustworthy businesses, setting standards for marketplace role models, and denouncing substandard marketplace behavior.


City of Westerville

21 South State St.
Westerville, OH 43081
(614) 901-6400
TDD: (614) 901-6413


Board of Zoning Appeals

(614) 901-6650

The Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) is a seven-member board that hears and decides primarily zoning variances and temporary use permits. The Board is also responsible for the hearing and disposition of appeals from any order or decision made by a City administrative officer in enforcing the zoning ordinance. BZA meets the second Thursday of each month in City Council Chambers at 21 S. State St.


Delaware County Board of Elections

2079 U.S. Highway 23 North
P.O. Box 8006
Delaware, OH 43015
PH: (740) 833-2080


Economic Development

(614) 9001-6409

City department charged with attracting and retaining businesses in our community by making Westerville the ideal place to operate a company.

  • One Columbus - Economic Development agency for the greater Columbus area


Electric Division

(614) 901-6700

After 100 years of service, the Westerville Electric Division is the only municipally owned and operated suburban electrical provider in Central Ohio, serving all Westerville's 36,000 residents and 1,500 businesses.


Fire Division

(614) 901-6600

Three fire stations strategically positioned in the City allow the Fire Division to provide 4-minute average emergency response time.


Franklin County Board of Elections

280 East Broad Street, Room 100
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 525.3100
Fax: (614) 525.3489


Parks and Recreation

(614) 901-6500

Enhances the lives of Westerville citizens by providing quality and diverse leisure facilities, programs, and services, and by preserving and developing natural areas. The department maintains 550 acres with 39 parks and facilities including a 96,600 square foot Community Center and 23 miles of leisure paths and bike trails.


Planning Commission

(614) 901-6650

The Planning Commission is a seven-member board that holds public hearings on land use proposals such as subdivision plans and rezoning requests. The Commission also hears and reviews plans for new office and commercial land development and provides a forum for public discussion of plans and proposed development regulations. Meetings are on the fourth Wednesday of each month in City Council Chambers at 21 S. State St.


Police Division

(614) 882-7444

Consisting of 77 sworn officers, 33 civilian employees, and 20 reserve officers, the Westerville Police Department provides bicycle and foot patrols, commercial vehicle enforcement, selective traffic problem-area enforcement, and use of the speed monitor sign throughout the City.


Uptown Review Board

(614) 901-6650

The Uptown Review Board (URB) is a seven-member board charged with protecting and promoting the historic character of the Uptown District. The URB is responsible for reviewing changes including new construction, building additions, facade renovations and changes to exterior materials, window and door replacements, signage, awnings, paint color changes, building demolition, and landscaping elements (e.g. fences, walls, walkways, etc.). The Board meets the first Thursday of each month at 21 S. State St. in City Council Chambers.


Genoa Township

(614) 895-1126

5111 S. Old 3C Highway Westerville, OH 43082
It is the mission of Genoa Township to guide and manage the development of the township in a manner than retains or enhances the quality of life of its residents.



Leadership Westerville

(614) 882-8917

Leadership Westerville is a non-profit organization committed to creating a network of committed citizens who are dedicated to improving their leadership skills to better serve our community.


Ohio Chamber of Commerce

(614) 228-4201
230 E. Town St.
P.O. Box 15159
Columbus, OH 43215

The Ohio Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to presenting Ohio lawmakers with the business perspective on issues. As Ohio's largest and most diverse statewide business advoacay group, the Ohio Chamber has been a consistent voices for business for more than a century.


Ohio Department of Development (Minority Owned Businesses)

(800) 848-1300
77 South High Street, 29th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215


Otterbein University

(614) 890-3000
One Otterbein College
Westerville, OH 43081

Otterbein University is a nationally ranked, comprehensive institution with a liberal arts tradition dating back to 1847. An emphasis on community engagement and service learning in 56 undergraduate and three graduate programs create endless opportunities.



(614) 487-3700
1275 Kinnear Rd.
Columbus, OH 43212

Organization seeks to accelerate business growth and job creation by facilitating collaboration between Central Ohio's technical assets and providing resources and assistance as needed to encourage business and overall economic progress.


Small Business Development Centers

112 Jefferson Ave., Ste 251,
Columbus, Ohio 43215


United State Chamber of Commerce

1615 H Street NW
Washington DC, 20062

As the voice of business, the Chamber's core purpose is to fight for free enterprise before Congress, the White House, regulatory agencies, the courts, the court of public opinion, and governments around the world.


Uptown Westerville Inc.

(614) 354-2713
27 E. Home St.
Westerville, OH 43081

UWI is a nonprofit, private-public partnership comprised of Uptown merchants and property owners, residents, and representatives of major institutions in Westerville – the City, the School District, Chamber of Commerce, Westerville Public Library and Otterbein University.


Westerville City Schools

(614) 797-5700
936 Eastwind Dr.
Westerville, OH 43081

Serving a culturally and economically diverse 52-square-mile area in northeastern Franklin and South Delaware counties, Westerville City Schools serves approximately 14,250 students, is the 10th largest district in Ohio and earned a rating of 'Excellent' from the Ohio Department of Education on the most recent State Report Card.


Westerville Firefighters Memorial

752 N. State St. Ste.76
Westerville, OH 43082

Non-profit organization set up to construct a memorial in an effort to provide a unique and thoughtful look into the lives of firefighters.


Westerville Public Library

(614) 882-7277
126 S. State St.
Westerville, OH 43081

The Westerville Public Library provides materials, programs and services to residents of all ages in Franklin and Delaware counties to assist in their pursuit of information and resources to meet their educational, professional and personal needs.


Westerville Uptown Merchants Association


This site is devoted to promoting the businesses and events of Uptown Westerville. Here you will find information on all your favorite Uptown shops and restaurants along with details about upcoming festivities to occur in Westerville's historic district.


Visit Westerville

(614) 794-0401
670 Meridian Way, Ste. 128
Westerville, OH 43082

Organization that promotes tourism and attracts visitors to the Westerville area. Provides information on what to see, things to do, and where to stay in the Westerville area.

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